Publish the extension

Share the project

When you’re ready to publish your extension, save the project and generate a share link. Copy and save the link. Remember, you’ll need to have this link available for later.

Share Project window

Import the project

Now close Minecraft Education, open a web browser, and navigate to the MakeCode website.

Import from URL

Click on the Import button on the home screen select Import URL in the Import window.

Import URL button

Paste your share link into the project URL space.

Open project URL window

You should now see the code for the extension you just created.

Create your GitHub repository

Click on the GitHub button beneath the code editor.

Open project URL window

Give your repository a name and description.

Name the repo and create it

Click “Go ahead! to create the repo.

With the repository created, click on the GitHub button again to see your repository status.

GitHub button with and check mark

Here, you can click Create a release to publish a new version of your extension.

Create a release in the repo settings window

Using your extension in other projects

In Minecraft, you can find your extension by selecting Extensions in the toolbar. Copy its GitHub URL into extension search bar. Click on the card created for your extension to load it into your project.

Search for your extension

Working with GitHub

All GitHub operations must be done in the browser, so while future updates to your extension can be made in Minecraft Education using the initial project you created (or by copying/pasting the latest code from your repository into a custom.ts file), the code will eventually have to be copied back into your GitHub project in the browser and changes are pushed from there.

You can also make changes directly in the browser, though they can be tricky to test and modify without Minecraft Education running.