Agent Fence

Agent Builds a Fence @showdialog

Your helpful Agent will build a fence for your farm animals!

Agent building fence

On chat command

Change the ||player:on chat command|| block on the workspace from "run" to "fence".

player.onChat("fence", function () {


Teleport your Agent

Drag out the ||agent:agent teleport to player|| block from the Toolbox and drop into the ||player:on chat command|| block.

player.onChat("fence", function () {

Give your Agent fences

Go get an ||agent:agent set block or item|| block and drop it under the ||agent:agent teleport|| block. Click on the grass block and change it to a fence block that you like. Set the count to 33.

player.onChat("fence", function () {
    agent.setItem(OAK_FENCE, 33, 1)

Place blocks as Agent moves

Find the ||agent:agent place on move|| block in the Toolbox, grab and drop it under the ||agent:agent set block or item||. Change the OFF setting to ON.

player.onChat("fence", function () {
    agent.setItem(OAK_FENCE, 33, 1)
    agent.setAssist(PLACE_ON_MOVE, true)

Allow Agent to destroy obstacles

Drag out another ||agent:agent place on move|| block and drop it under the previous one. In this block, click on ||agent:place on move|| and change to ||agent:destroy obstacles||. Then change the OFF setting to ON.

player.onChat("fence", function () {
    agent.setItem(OAK_FENCE, 33, 1)
    agent.setAssist(PLACE_ON_MOVE, true)
    agent.setAssist(DESTROY_OBSTACLES, true)

Add a loop to build each side of the fence

Find the ||loops:repeat|| block, drag and drop it under the ||agent:agent destroy obstacles|| block.

player.onChat("fence", function () {
    agent.setItem(OAK_FENCE, 33, 1)
    agent.setAssist(PLACE_ON_MOVE, true)
    agent.setAssist(DESTROY_OBSTACLES, true)
    for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {


Instruct the Agent to turn before moving

Get an ||agent:agent turn left|| block and drop it inside the ||loops:repeat|| loop.

player.onChat("fence", function () {
    agent.setItem(OAK_FENCE, 33, 1)
    agent.setAssist(PLACE_ON_MOVE, true)
    agent.setAssist(DESTROY_OBSTACLES, true)
    for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {

Instruct the Agent to move

Grab and drag out the ||agent:agent move|| block and drop it under the ||agent:agent turn left|| block in the loop. Click on the 1 and change to 8.

player.onChat("fence", function () {
    agent.setItem(OAK_FENCE, 33, 1)
    agent.setAssist(PLACE_ON_MOVE, true)
    agent.setAssist(DESTROY_OBSTACLES, true)
    for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
        agent.move(FORWARD, 8)

Place the last fence post

Drag another ||agent:agent move|| block and drop it after the ||loops:repeat|| block.

player.onChat("fence", function () {
    agent.setItem(OAK_FENCE, 33, 1)
    agent.setAssist(PLACE_ON_MOVE, true)
    agent.setAssist(DESTROY_OBSTACLES, true)
    for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
        agent.move(FORWARD, 8)
    agent.move(FORWARD, 1)

Run your code!

Click on the green Play button to run your code in Minecraft. Move to a flat area and press T to open the chat window. Then type "fence" to run your code.